Thursday, 25 January 2007

Celebrate, for Firebug is finally "One dot oh"!

One of the most indespensible web developer Firefox addons has finally turned to version 1.0. Although it has been running smooth since its beta release, those people who have until now not been using the beta version and have still been hanging about a bit handycapped with 0.4.1 will receive notification via the addons update section of Firefox.

Just to make it clear 0.4.1 and 1.0 of Firebug are 2 completely different worlds and people will be surprised and delighted. I reported on the beta version in a previous blog entry, so i will just line out the main changes with links to the site.

So if you have not used Firebug yet, or are still running on beta or 0.4.1 be sure to go and get the latest release and if you can, please support this project, so it can evolve further:

Saturday, 20 January 2007

iPhone theme, for your Nokia phone

The fact, that the reproduction of the iPhone icon menu has met many with mails from Apple Lawyers, to cease spreading those, is nothing new. First it sounds a bit far fetched, but actually people are copying UI Interfaces. Still, i think this would be pretty neat advertisement.
Sidestep: I have no clue whether i will have use for an iPhone or not, although it makes me drool. Sofar i am happy with Opera Mini and Gmail App (point your mobile browser at, when it comes to my browsing needs.

Now silly me, started looking for a skin, that would look similar in terms of icons and background for my Nokia 6280 and only came up with some themes that contained the background art, but no icons.

So last night i sat down and did some Photoshop and came down with this nice little theme, created with the Nokia Series 40 Theme Studio 2.2, which made me smile. Though i work primarily on Windows XP, i am very fond of the Apple Mac OS X UI and have for a long while been using one of those Mac OS X themes on my Nokia 6280 until today.

Now simply have a look for yourself and tell me what you think. Feel free to share (fixed the link here, since rapid share does not work anymore) this iconic, comical theme, mimicking the the OS X style of icons for the iPhone.
I might do versions in different resolutions later on.

Thursday, 18 January 2007

Waves of dismay crashing upon the new famous Outlook 2007 HTML support through Word HTML Processor

Sometimes we wish, we would head back to the old days and do it the way it was done then, and just say "That's just the way it's done", but then we might reconsider.
Not so for Microsoft recently! For whichever reasons that i would like to hear some clarification on, Microsoft has replaced their HTML Rendering engine for Outlook 2007 to the Word HTML Processor, though it used the Internet Explorer rendering engine in its recent versions.

Now why would that make a difference? Well, marketing branches of company websites have ever since it was possible to send HTML E-Mails, been publishing HTML Newsletters with rich HTML content up to the latest standards of CSS 2.1 and so been able to convey all there marketing features not only through the website, but also through colorful, highly designed HTML Newsletters.

With a possible growing distribution of Outlook 2007, those days are over!

Regarding to the specifiations of HTML Rendering in Outlook 2007, read these to Microsoft articles for detailed informations:
(thankfully rather well documented)

In short this will mean that when you create HTML Newsletters you are back to the basics, since some features will not be supported anymore as detailed in this article:

Short summary of CSS features not supported:
  • no support for background images
  • no support for CSS floats and positioning
  • no support for bullet images on lists
  • no support for forms, flash and animate GIFs
As can be seen by example of Molly Holzschlag's blog this is already producing waves of dismay throughout the web development community.

Look at the Campaign Monitor site to get a feeling for the impact on HTML Newsletters, by a simple example:

I was ready to scream and loose hair that i don't have anymore, until i started talking to a colleague of mine, after which we came to the conclusion, that this might not be to bad at all, well from the developing point of view, certainly not from the marketing point.

With those downsized CSS features, kicking us back to stone age in terms of HTML Rendering, we are left with the basics, meaning:
  • Table layouts
  • Images (not as backgrounds)
  • styles as tag attributes
Also this will mean that HTML Newsletters can be read by more E-Mail Clients than before and a wider coverage and possible acceptance can be achieved.

What this might also impact, would be a switching of HTML Newsletters to News feeds through RSS, although Outlook 2007 supports that too, but primarly email clients are not used as RSS feed readers nowadays. So go, go RSS!

My personal opinion: HTML was never and should never have been used for E-Mails. So "hurray" from my personal point of view.

With its strong monopoly and still remaining one of the most used operating system, Microsoft is once more rocking parts of the worlds, with small changes :)

Tuesday, 9 January 2007

Firefox: Editus Externus

I have been using this extension for quite a while now. What does it do? You can edit browser textareas using an external editor of your choice. As a web developer this has proven indespensible for me and i even waited to upgrade to Firefox 2, until someone came down with an upgraded version of this sweet little addon.
Now with the release of Firefox it was outdated again, and noone has posted a new version yet. Simple things are so easy, so i extracted the whole thing and simply changed the version number in the install.rdf.

Happy to share this with the you through rapidshare:

Kudos for this addon go to
