Friday 24 November 2006 1.7 beta

With the Web 2.0 waves finally washing up more than small treasures on the digital shores, Effect.morph will cling to the beach with release 1.7. Finally what once was the success of Flash is coming to the world without plug-ins, tweening and morphing of text and visual elements by changing the CSS sequentially between different states.

At work i have been using for a few projects now, one that was supposed to imitate a little flash application as far as possible with . The success was settled at 95%. Nevertheless making out a visual difference is hard and i was delighted to see an application that came up to the design motion tweening effects of flash, while still remaining searchable, content selectable and valid HTML/XHTML.
On my team we are trying out many of the nice elements possible with on smaller projects to get to know its uses and then start to push the border further to see what can be done with the big fish. My smile grows wider with each step.

So suck it up Flash, your days are not over, but there is new code on your turf that does not only appeal to a brilliant design, but also to brilliant code and a world with a few less constraints. Yes, is about freedom. Though i would like to quote Public Enemy with “Don’t believe the hype!”, i would like you to give it a chance and when you have tasted enough, you will want more.

Good night from a world with a few more worthwhile choices.

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